Worship Artist | Writer | Creator | Founder of Lives Depend On It. ®

¡Gracia me rescáto & that's the story my life tells!
2 Corinthians 12:9
A love for Jesus pours out of my heart on the daily. My desire is found in Romans 10:1 - "that all people might be saved." So in whatever capacity I find myself serving the earth, my prayer is that I'm able to keep Jesus at the center and allow Him to get all the glory.
By day, I have the privilege of leading worship across continents. By night, you'll find my love for people, travel and fashion intertwining with whatever I put my hands to. At this site, you'll find celebrations of the manifested promises of God and prayerfully tons of encouragemet for all He can do through your life as well. Welcome to the journey! - Trinity



I am so excited to get the opportunity to worship with you all from around the world! Whether you desire for me to help facilitate a worship experience, ignite a fire under your music or leadership teams or even share what's on my heart, as the Lord allows, I look forward to worshipping with you! Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will reach out to you via email. Thank you so much!